School Programs

The Joyce Theater Dance Education Program

The Joyce Dance Education Program for Schools offers a series of live dance experiences, including school-time matinee performances, residencies, and interactive workshops. Students (grades 1-12) are invited to explore artistic ideas in dance composition with a teaching artist using our inquiry-based approach and talk directly to dancers and choreographers about their artistry and career paths. 

We strive to make student performances accessible and welcoming. Each year, The Joyce Theater partners with Parsons Dance and others to offer sensory-friendly performances for neurodivergent students and those on the autism spectrum. For all inquiries contact:

The Joyce is a NYC Public Schools vendor [JOY030000] and a registered vendor with Eastern Suffolk BOCES.

· Residency planning sessions with an experienced teaching artist
· Access to school-time matinee performances at The Joyce Theater
· Professional Learning Workshops for teachers and administrators
· Resource and reference materials related to each performance
· Exclusive education partner events and activities


  • Residency planning sessions with an experienced teaching artist
  • Exclusive access to live school-time matinees at The Joyce Theater
  • Performances livestreamed directly into your classroom
  • Professional Learning Workshops for teachers and administrators
  • Resource and reference materials related to each performance

Teacher Testimonials

"Teaming up with an experienced teaching artist allows the teacher to share ideas and execute the lesson more efficiently and thoroughly. Students are able to be helped one on one. Students gain different perspectives by hearing information from different teachers. All of the lessons are valuable."

- Jan Ford (Teacher, MS K228)

“Once again, I feel like Ms. Lisa brought the best out of my kids. The way that she prepares and shares her lessons allows me to build off of the ideas she presents. I love having her at my school!”

- DeAngelo Blanchard (Teacher, Bronxdale High School)

Teaching Artist Testimonials

"Some of the classes struggled with communicating non-verbally, but they were able to move their bodies through a story they created. They really understood the story of the performance. They asked some great questions, which stemmed a few great conversations."

- Cary McWilliam (Teaching Artist) 

"All three classes were so engaged and open during our time together. Almost all of the students had never heard of Flamenco Dance so it was quite amazing to hear them share their feelings about the live performance. They were able to connect all the nuances and how it made them feel which was incredibly sweet.”

- Lisa Green (Teaching Artist)

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