Support The Joyce

A non-profit organization, The Joyce Theater Foundation relies on the generosity of its supporters to meet more than 50% of its annual budget. Only with your help can it continue to stage remarkable dance works, support artists, and bring dance education to public schools.


Friends of The Joyce

Friends of The Joyce directly supports the remarkable performances onstage as well as the important programs that serve the dance community. From bringing dance education to students in K-12 to commissioning new works and providing subsidized rehearsal space for artists, The Joyce’s dedication to dance extends far beyond the stage. By becoming a Friend, you help The Joyce community thrive. To thank you for your generosity, you will receive exclusive benefits that enhance your visits to The Joyce Theater.

Become a Friend of The Joyce

The Joyce Champions

Joyce Champions are vital to ensuring The Joyce’s role as one of the premier dance venues in the world. In recognition of your generosity, Champions receive benefits specially designed to bring you closer to dance.

Join the Joyce Champions

The Young Leaders Circle

The Young Leaders Circle (YLC) is a community of young professionals who are passionate dance fans and committed to ensuring its future at The Joyce Theater.

Join the Young Leaders Circle


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